Episode 4: Dr. Quinn and the Found Remnant | BEHIND THE SCENES

Aug. 14, 2018 by

The incredible story of Dr. Quinn Smith and her amazing creative ability is one for the ages. Dr. Quinn is saving lives by making incredible jewelry to sell. But 100%

Episode 3 1/2 Special Edition: Marcus Young | Project AK-47 CEO\Founder

Aug. 6, 2018 by

I had the amazing opportunity to interview the CEO and Founder of  Project AK-47  Marcus Young. When I first heard about Project AK-47 I knew I had to find out

Episode 3: Children, Guns, and Jake Gill

Jul. 31, 2018 by

For the past 10 years I have been on a quest to bring awareness to human trafficking. But I’ve realised that child soldiers hadn’t crossed my mind in almost 20

Your Voice is Powerful by DW McKinney

Jul. 23, 2018 by

The message in my inbox seemed innocuous.   I occasionally received requests from people trying to reconnect or artists complimenting my work. When I opened the message it was backlash

Episode 2: At The Border Part 2

Jul. 16, 2018 by

I hope you all had an opportunity to listen to my first podcast ‘At The Border Part 1’.  I went in with the narrative that there were reports of child

Episode 1: At The Border Part 1

Jul. 3, 2018 by

Regardless of your feelings, political affiliation or even understanding of what is happening with the immigration crisis here in the United States– Children must be a priority. I had the


Jun. 18, 2018 by

If you haven’t read my post on why I am an abolitionist, I would click here before you continue on. Are you back? Okay…let’s continue. The 19th century proved to

You Do Not Have To Be Strong By Yourself

Jun. 8, 2018 by

One of the most difficult things to write about on my site is how human beings have chosen a profession that physically enslaves other human beings. But my focus here

Is Fear Really That Bad? Part 2

May. 28, 2018 by

What drives fear often stems from not knowing or understanding what you are up against. People are often afraid to pursue their dreams because the process itself can be overwhelming.

Is Fear Really That Bad? Part 1

May. 22, 2018 by

  The one thing I have come to understand about life is that fear is a key factor to how we see the world. You see, my 16-month-old nephew has